6,11 € (46,04 kn)
- It has a refreshing effect on the mind and body
- It effectively repels mosquitoes and other insects, so it is good for making repellents
6,11 € (46,04 kn)
Citronella is a fragrant, lemony-scented oil is from a tall, aromatic grass. It is highly effective to ward off flying insects such as mosquitoes, and is the key ingredient in most natural insect repellents. It is also anti-infectious, making it useful for colds and flu. Its uplifting fragrance is cooling, and helps relieve mental fatigue.
7,94 € (59,82 kn)Add to cart
11,44 € (86,19 kn)Add to cart
8,48 € (63,89 kn)Add to cart
11,44 € (86,19 kn)Add to cart
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